I made a quilt with my Brother Luminaire XP3!

If you're looking to create an edge-to-edge quilt design, the Brother Luminaire XP3 is a great tool to help you achieve that. I know this because I did it! You read that right... I - MADE - A - QUILT!!! Yay me. You can do it too, here's how... This state-of-the-art sewing and embroidery machine is packed with features that make it easier than ever to create professional-quality quilts. In this post, I'll walk you through the steps I followed to use the Brother Luminaire XP3 to create an ...

What is the Stitch-A-Thon?

I created the Sew Sweet Academy a couple of years ago so that aspiring embroiderers could learn everything they wanted to learn and more in a one-stop, intimate environment.


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